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Drives (HDD, SSD, Network-attached storage)

Order by Cost Popularity Descending order
ModelAverage cost, USD ($)Popularity
OCZ D2CSTK251M21-0240
SSD 2.5", 240Gb, for server
Thecus N5550
NAS (Network-attached storage) not standard, 0Gb, NAS (Network-attached storage) (NAS)
Intel SSDMCEAW180A401
SSD not standard, 180Gb, for notebook (laptop)
3Q 3QHDD-T200M-H-HB1000
HDD 2.5", 1Tb, external
OCZ RVD350-FHPX28-960G
SSD not standard, 960Gb, for PC
1 2120.0/10
SSD 2.5", 60Gb, for notebook (laptop) and настольного компьютера
Seagate STCA1000100
HDD 3.5", 1Tb, external
Transcend TS500GSJ25M
HDD 2.5", 500Gb, external
SanDisk SD7UB3Q-256G-1122
SSD 2.5", 256Gb, for notebook (laptop) and настольного компьютера
DELL 400-24171
HDD 2.5", 300Gb, for server

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Motherboards CPU Graphics cards RAM Drives (HDD, SSD, Network-attached storage)